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Our data: [country_data LAND]


[country_data LAND]: [country_data AANTAL_BEDRIJVEN_UITGESCHREVEN] companies

Data from [country_data LAND]

[country_data LAND] has about [country_data AANTAL_BEDRIJVEN_UITGESCHREVEN] companies, spread over [country_data CLASSIFICATIE_STANDAARD] sectors. Below you will find the number of companies broken down by sector.

customer data platform (CDP)

This is what we know about [country_data LAND]

Take a look at our database. This information is compiled from several data points.
About the business:

Top industry in [country_data LAND] is: [country_data TYPE], number of [country_data AANTAL getal] registered companies. The industry with the fewest registered companies in [country_data LAND] is: [country_data BRANCHE].

Largest company:

The company with the most employees is [country_data FTE], founded at [country_data OPRICHTINGS_JAAR].

Are you looking for international data? Please feel free to contact one of our specialists.

Would you like to receive a data selection?

It’s simple: contact us and discuss your wishes. We make a selection of various branches for you from [country_data LAND]. You will receive the data in an Excel or CSV file. Don’t worry, contacting us is always without obligation.

Like to make your own selections?

You can easily get started yourself. With our tool select your desired target group with a few clicks. Then it is a matter of exporting as an Excel or CSV file.

Available company data

Type data veldNumbers we provide
Data base classified[country_data DATABASE_GECLASSIFICEERD]
Number of contact persons[country_data DMU getal]
Number of websites[country_data WEBSITE getal]
Number of e-mail adresses[country_data EMAIL getal]
Number of phone numbers[country_data TELEFOON getal]
Number head quaters[country_data HQ getal]
Number of branches[country_data VESTIGINGEN getal]
Number of registration numbers[country_data REGISTRATIES getal]


[country_data RUB_A] [country_data RUB_A_AANT getal]

[country_data RUB_B] [country_data RUB_B_AANT getal]

[country_data RUB_C] [country_data RUB_C_AANT getal]

[country_data RUB_D] [country_data RUB_D_AANT getal]

[country_data RUB_E] [country_data RUB_E_AANT getal]

[country_data RUB_F] [country_data RUB_F_AANT getal]

[country_data RUB_G] [country_data RUB_G_AANT getal]

[country_data RUB_H] [country_data RUB_H_AANT getal]

[country_data RUB_I] [country_data RUB_I_AANT getal]

[country_data RUB_J] [country_data RUB_J_AANT getal]

[country_data RUB_K] [country_data RUB_K_AANT getal]

[country_data RUB_L] [country_data RUB_L_AANT getal]

[country_data RUB_M] [country_data RUB_M_AANT getal]

[country_data RUB_N] [country_data RUB_N_AANT getal]

[country_data RUB_O] [country_data RUB_O_AANT getal]

[country_data RUB_P] [country_data RUB_P_AANT getal]

[country_data RUB_Q] [country_data RUB_Q_AANT getal]

[country_data RUB_R] [country_data RUB_R_AANT getal]

[country_data RUB_S] [country_data RUB_S_AANT getal]

[country_data RUB_T] [country_data RUB_T_AANT getal]

[country_data RUB_U] [country_data RUB_U_AANT getal]

Simply request a data sample

International data sample

Request a count and/or a data sample of foreign companies without obligation.

Comany name(Required)
Please indicate here which countries you want information about, for example, Belgium, Sweden, Brazil and/or China
Enter a brief description or the NACE / SICE code.
What else does your selection need? Number of employees, turnover, etc.